So the top VMware blogger results are in, the last vote was in January 2010, we had a total of 66 blogs and about 700 votes cast. This time there was 115 blogs on the ballot and we had about 860 votes cast from all over the world. The jump of 50 new blogs shows how incredibly passionate people are about VMware technology, seriously when is the last time you saw over 100 blogs devoted to any one product.
First let me explain how the voting process works, voters can choice their favorite 10 blogs, they then rank them in order from 1 to 10 and a value is assigned to each vote, a #1 vote is worth 10 points, #2 vote is worth 9 points and so on down to a #10 vote being worth 1 point. The points are then tabulated to determine the top 25 blogs. It’s a pretty time consuming process for me, some of it is automated but I still have to add up votes and drop them into a spreadsheet to determine the winners.
Before I go any further let me first thank Train Signal for sponsoring the voting process, I use a paid service to make sure the voting is top notch and on the level and I appreciate them helping offset my costs.
We had 4 new blogs break the top 25 and lots of re-positioning as well. I thought I would try something different this time and announce the results in a Casey Kasem style top 25 countdown on our vChat podcast along with special guest John Troyer from VMware. In the podcast we count up from 25 to 1 and say some words about each blogger in the top 25, I encourage you to check it out, we had fun doing it and recognizing the great bloggers out there.
I initially thought about prizes for the top bloggers but it was difficult to come up with them. In the end I came up with what I thought was an even better prize. I contacted Steven Herrod, VMware’s CTO, to see if he would say a few words to the bloggers that we could include in the vChat. Let me explain why I thought this would be rewarding to all the bloggers. You guys do this because you love VMware technology, you aren’t blogging to get rich. To me all it takes is one person saying thanks, and that they really appreciate what you do to make it all worthwhile. Seriously if you’ve ever gotten that email or tweet from someone I bet it makes your day. You’d be surprised at your audience, many people read your blog including Steven Herrod from VMware. I thought the best prize I could give you guys is the recognition from one of the top guys at VMware that you are appreciated and your efforts make a difference to a huge number of people. When I approached Steven about this he was quick to agree to help out which speaks volumes about what he thinks of you guys.
With so many bloggers out there its a tough scene but I seriously encourage you all to keep at it, the longer you stick with it, the more people notice and will reward you with their vote. You guys are all great, I know how hard it can be to find the time to blog but do know that your efforts are appreciated and your unselfish dedication makes a difference to a great many of people. So without further ado here’s the full results of the voting, also be sure and check out our vChat episode 8 where we talk about each blogger in the top 25.
Total Points Rank Previous Total Votes #1 Votes
Yellow Bricks 5043 1 1 601 227
Virtual Geek 3445 2 2 508 89
Scott Lowe 2801 3 3 431 19 2370 4 4 361 58
RTFM Education 2029 5 5 333 11
Frank Denneman 1403 6 14 232 12
vSphere-land 1365 7 11 266 5
Virtualization Evangelist 1235 8 6 249 5
Virtu-al 1118 9 10 219 6
Gabe's Virtual World 1022 10 8 195 12
The SLOG 975 11 17 174 21
Hypervizor 916 12 20 145 24 808 13 18 157 22
TechHead 785 14 21 141 21
Virtual Storage Guy 771 15 9 137 28
vCritical 683 16 12 124 21
Pivot Point 638 17 23 122 6
VMware Tips 631 18 13 213 1
vReference 590 19 22 113 13
VM/ETC 559 20 7 131 2
LucD Notes 549 21 66 100 3
Mike D's Blog 497 22 19 95 4
ESX Virtualization 476 23 32 104 4
Nickapedia 468 24 - 80 3
Virtually Ghetto 461 25 - 93 3
The VM Guy 425 26 15 85 0
Arnim van Lieshout 422 27 29 70 16
Virtual Insanity 405 28 45 68 18 394 29 - 68 14
Kendrick Coleman 394 30 - 89 5
By The Bell 379 31 26 55 19
Technodrone 373 32 24 73 12
View Yonder 368 33 31 86 2 343 34 54 61 12
Planet VM 320 35 16 78 5
Vinternals 317 36 28 78 3
Virtual Admin Notes 314 37 - 48 18
IT 2.0 309 38 36 62 3
My Virtual Cloud 298 39 58 54 8
Everyday Virtualization 291 40 35 72 1
Chris Wolf 286 41 25 61 2
VMware Training and Certification 263 42 - 59 2
GesalitIT 256 43 - 55 1
Double Cloud 246 44 - 43 2
2 VCPs 238 45 38 52 5
Run Virtual 234 46 30 54 0
Jase's Place 233 47 55 60 1
Aaron Delp Blog 232 48 - 50 1
The Virtualization Practice 225 49 42 47 5
Gerbens Blog 221 50 40 42 1
vNotion 202 51 - 48 0
Rational Survivability 199 52 51 36 3
Virtual Kenneth's Blog 199 53 39 40 0
VMware Info 196 54 33 46 1
Roger Lund IT Guy 194 55 59 43 1
Jume 188 56 50 41 1
Virtual Future 188 57 37 43 0
Professional VMware 177 58 34 52 1
vDestination 177 59 - 37 3
Peeters Online 175 60 - 45 0
Virtual Lef 169 61 - 36 1
Ken's Virtual Reality 164 62 27 39 0
Virtual VCP 162 63 46 41 0
Virtualised Reality 161 64 48 26 6
The Lone Sysadmin 160 65 60 36 1
Virtualization Security 159 66 - 40 0
VMwarewolf 156 67 - 42 0
SearchServerVirtualization Blog 155 68 44 39 2
Wikibon Blog 154 69 - 36 1
Virtual Lifestyle 153 70 56 32 4
TechProsaic 150 71 52 33 0
Information Week Blog 146 72 - 31 0
J.F.V.I. 146 73 - 27 2
Infoworld Virtualization Report 145 74 - 30 2
VirtualPro 142 75 - 34 0
VM-Aware 141 76 - 34 0
Musings of Rodos 139 77 47 32 0
Knudt Blog 138 78 65 26 0
Virtual Troll 137 79 - 30 0
Going Virtual 134 80 64 34 0
vFrank 134 81 - 27 1
VMworldz 134 82 - 35 0
RickaTron 131 83 - 28 1
VM Admin 127 84 - 29 0
The Lower Case W 126 85 - 23 2
VMwise 123 86 - 32 0
Virtualization Team 122 87 - 26 0
Malaysia VM 120 88 61 27 0
Daily Hypervisor 118 89 62 25 0
Virtual Planet 117 90 - 29 0
Virtualize Tips 115 91 - 29 0 114 92 - 29 0
Blue Gears 111 93 - 20 0
Virtualization Information 111 94 57 28 1
Elastic Vapor 108 95 - 23 1 108 96 53 27 0
Andi Mann 107 97 43 19 1
Deinos Cloud 105 98 - 27 2
Virtual Hints 105 99 - 27 2
Lori MacVittie 102 100 - 23 0
The HyperAdvisor 102 101 63 23 2
VM Today 99 102 41 27 0
Virtually Speaking 97 103 - 27 0
Beaver's Virtual Dam 94 104 49 18 0
It's Just Another Layer 87 105 - 20 0
VM Bulletin 87 106 - 22 0
VM Hero 85 107 - 24 0
Virtualization Stuff 80 108 - 17 0
Cretec's Virtual Blog 73 109 - 13 0
A Crazy Penguin 66 110 - 12 0
Virtual Jay 66 111 - 15 0
Blue Shift Blog 60 112 - 10 0
Virtualization Buster 59 113 - 16 0
A Day In The Life 55 114 - 11 0
Virtualizing the D.C. 44 115 - 12 0
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Great list. It would be *much* more useful if the site names were also links.
Disclosure – EMCer here…
Eric – thank you very much for running the survey (and vsphere-land, of which i’m a fan).
I’m personally honored and humbled to be in such company – so many fantastic members in our weird and delightful community…. I love what I do, and only wish there was more time in the day to do it! 🙂
Chad Sakac (aka the Virtual Geek)
Hiya Eric,
Thanks for running the survey again and vsphere-land of course. Great to see so many passinate bloggers out there and hope to meet up with lots of them @VMworld 2010 Copenhagen.
Edwin Weijdema ( crew member)
Thanks a ton for running this survey of the top 25 blogs, I made #59, not bad for only a 3 month old blog, I hope to be climbing the charts next year, just about every one of the top 25 bloggers has inspired me to blog and share my love for VMware. Thanks again.
Greg W. Stuart (
I agree with John Links or an OPML would be great 🙂