I’ve built my own planet aggregator called Planet vSphere-land solely for the top 25 VMware blogs on my vLaunchpad similar to Planet V12n that VMware runs for all the virtualization blogs. Currently it has the old top 25 blogs and will be updated tomorrow with the new top 25 blogs. It only displays the first 200 characters of a blog post and you have to go to the source to read the full post. The website has an RSS feed that you can subscribe to and all posts are also automatically tweeted to a special twitter account that I setup for it. It’s also running the WPTouch plugin so it will format properly for mobile phones. So enjoy, if you have any suggestions for the website be sure and let me know.
Sep 27 2010
1 comment
Thanks for putting this together, this will be another really great twitter tool to follow. All the posts from the top 25 blogs! Good stuff. Thanks again.