Category: News

Coming soon: a new vLaunchpad

I’ve been maintaining the vLaunchpad using Dreamweaver which has been difficult at times so I thought I would explore other options. I’ve resisted using WordPress as I had for my main site because the page layout is kind of unique and not easily re-produced in WordPress. Well after much theme hacking I think I have it ported over to WordPress pretty well. I’ve done extensive CSS modifications to make sure I would fit as much information as possible in one area and not have to resort to lots of scrolling or multiple pages. It’s not done yet but it’s getting close, I still need to add all the blog links and do some other work to it. I’ve also moved it to the clouds, which is GoDaddy’s new hosted grid computing offering. So let me know what you think, I’m open to all your suggestions, tell me what you like, don’t like and want to see added to it. One thing you’ll notice is I added all of Hany Michael’s great vDiagrams to the sidebar for easy access to them.

So go check out the new version of the vLaunchpad and let me know what you think, just remember it’s not done yet and I have lots of changes to make to it. Thanks to the Netherlands gang (Duncan, Eric & Gabe) for their early feedback that helped me get the design right.

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A new home for me

Due to cuts and other circumstances I will no longer be blogging at’s Virtualization Pro blog. While exploring other blogging opportunities I decided to come right back where I started, this website, So besides my gigantic link collection you’ll be seeing lots of new content here including tips, news, reviews, opinions, top 10 lists and much more. For starters I’ll be doing a series documenting a new project from start to finish that I’m the lead on which is a Lotus Domino virtualization project.  So stay tuned for lots of great content coming from this site.

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Winners of the TrainSignal DVD vSphere training course

As I previously mentioned two randomly chosen voters in the top blog survey would win a copy of TrainSignal’s vSphere DVD training course. I exported the voting results to Excel and then used a random number generator to pick two row numbers and the winners are:

  • mcgivern_jon at emc dot com from Westborough, MA
  • brian_alexander at mentor dot com from Longmont, CO

David Davis from TrainSignal will be contacting you, thank you for your participation in the voting!

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The top blog full voting results

Here’s a table with the vote totals for all the VMware/virtualization blogs included in the survey, there were a few others that only had 1 or two votes that I didn’t include. Total votes includes any vote a blog received whether it was 1 through 10. Total points is the sum of each vote times it’s appropriate weight for the position (#1 vote = 10 points, #2 vote = 9 points, all the way down to a #10 vote = 1 point).

PositionBlog#1 VotesTotal VotesTotal Points
1Yellow Bricks1585254191
2Virtual Geek1113792938
3Scott Lowe563972889
5RTFM Education73051734
6Virtualization Evangelist132861482
8Gabe's Virtual World82331096
9Virtual Storage Guy58153990
11Virtualization Pro3152744
13VMware Tips5155726
14Frank Denneman22112697
15The VM Guy2148643
16Planet VM4136633
17The SLOG8122614
19Mike D's2122537
23Pivot Point282380
25Chris Wolf087375
26By The Bell182358
27Ken's Virtual Reality179347
29Arnim van Lieshout952304
30Run Virtual063287
31View Yonder056276
32ESX Virtualization153263
33VMware Info956261
34Professional VMware257243
35Everyday Virtualization848231
36IT 2.0346212
37Virtual Future842209
382 VCPs153207
39Virtual Kenneth534200
40Gerben Blog133194
41VM Today141189
42The Virtualization Practice638188
43Andi Mann040188
45Virtual Insanity440180
46Virtual VCP041179
47Musings of Rodos435176
48Virtualized Reality931176
49Beaver's Virtual Dam242176
51Rational Survivability040174
52Tech Prosaic333174
55Jase's Place037162
56Virtual Lifestyle032160
57Virtualization Information131140
58Virtual Cloud031133
59Roger Lund228123
60Lone SysAdmin031115
61Malaysia VM229114
62Daily Hypervisor027111
63The HyperAdvisor02486
64Going Virtual0638
65Knudt Blog0828

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And the winners of the top VMware/virtualization blog are…

Well I’m not saying, watch the presentation to find out, I’ll be doing another post later on with the full results as well as some detail on the process I used to sort through the votes and score them to determine the winners. Congratulations to all the winners, there were many newcomers to the top 25 blog roll. I’ll be sending you graphics that you can display on your website to reflect your achievements. The winners of the TrainSignal vSphere DVD training course will be announced in my next post. Click here to see the results presentation in a new window

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Last chance to vote for your favorite blog

Voting for the top VMware/virtualization blogs will close this Friday night , 1/15 at 10:00pm MST so if you haven’t voted yet be sure and get your vote in. Over 850 votes have been cast already and the Top 25 blogs will definitely look different than it is right now. The results will be announced on Monday after I spend the weekend going through the data, I’ll be publishing a Powerpoint presentation converted to Flash with the voting details and the winners. So stay tuned…

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What I did in 2009

2009 was a very busy year for me so I thought I would recap what I did and wrote during 2009. For starters I wrote a book that was published by Pearson Publishing entitled VMware VI3 Implementation & Administration. Having enjoyed that experience I also started writing a 2nd book on vSphere that will be published in 2010. It seems like I’ve been writing non-stop, besides the books I also write blog posts and tips for at least 6 different Tech Target websites. I am a member of the Server Virtualization Advisory Board for and also write a regular column for entitled Virtualization Viewpoints.

I was commissioned by Veeam to write a white paper for them to coincide with their new Veeam 4.0 product launch. I was named as one of the 300 vExperts by VMware in Fed. 2009. I attended VMworld this year as a member of the press and was again a judge for the Best of VMworld awards in the Security category. Besides all that I still find time to maintain this website, sorting through links and collecting and posting them is very time-consuming. Below is a list of some of work of mine that was published in 2009:

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Time to vote for your favorite bloggers

Here they are, the current top 20 VMware & virtualization related bloggers:

Can anyone knock Duncan Epping from the top spot? Chad Sakac made a run up to the #3 position in the last vote, can he go any higher? Interesting enough, Scott Lowe in the #2 position now works for Chad Sakac, can Scott stay ahead of his new boss? There are also many new bloggers out there producing some great content who could make the list like Hany Michael, Scott Sauer/Aaron Sweemer, Maish Saidel-Keesing, Scott Drummonds, Frank Denneman and Steve Chambers. Your votes will decide the winners and help decide the Top 25 bloggers. I’ve decided to expand the Top 20 to the Top 25 because there are so many great blogs out there.

So here’s how it works, you pick your top 10 favorite blogs, the survey will be open for two weeks. Once all the votes have been cast I’ll add them up and using weights (#1 vote = 10 points, #2 vote equals 9 points, etc.) and calculate the Top 25 blogs. Because of the cost of the online survey tool I’ve acquired a sponsor to help cover the costs. TrainSignal is the sponsor of this survey and as an added bonus they are giving away two copies of their awesome vSphere DVD training course to two voters who will be randomly selected. to vote you simply number your 10 favorite blogs from 1 to 10 with 1 being your most favorite blog. Your numbers must add up to 55 (1 through 10 added together) and we have controls in place so you can only vote once. The top 10 winners will receive a graphic image with their place number that they can display on their website.

When casting your vote we hope you are fair and use the following guidelines:

  • frequency (how often they post)
  • quality (how well the posts are)
  • length (how long the posts are)
  • longevity (how long they have been blogging for)

Please note for added protection this time against duplicate votes I’m now using IP address protection which limits one vote per IP address. While this method is more effective then using cookies it may prevent multiple users in corporate environments that use NAT from casting votes. As a workaround to that situation you can have people vote from a mobile device or home computer instead.

So bloggers, start your engines and let the voting begin, you can go to or click the below link to cast your vote…

Click here to vote

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