Category: News

Why does vendor lock-in get such a bad rap?

In the context of virtualization, vendor lock-in often has negative connotations. But if a company provides solid products and support, this practice of purchasing the bulk of your data center components from a single vendor can be beneficial.

Few vendors have the product lineup to supply every facet of a data center infrastructure, with the exception of Dell Inc., Hewlett-Packard Co., and IBM. But many vendors can fill most IT needs and then bridge the gaps through strategic partnerships. VMware Inc., for example, has teamed up with EMC Corp. and Cisco Systems Inc. to form the Virtual Computing Environment (VCE) coalition. Together, these providers have bundled servers, storage and virtualization capabilities into a single product, which essentially locks customers into their vertical stack.

This tip offers a new way of thinking about vendor lock-in. It covers the pros and cons of this approach to building your virtual infrastructure and provides advice for those who choose a single-vendor approach in a virtual environment.

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Using virtual hardware metrics to hit a performance home run

Virtualization is often a game of numbers. As you choose virtual hardware, you have to consider some important metrics, such as the number of virtual machines (VMs) that reside on a host or logical unit number (LUN).

If you haven’t determined what these numbers should look like in your environment, your infrastructure will likely suffer from poor performance. This tip highlights key virtual hardware statistics to consider, which include consolidation ratios and virtual CPU counts. As you design and configure a VMware vSphere infrastructure, these performance metrics help prevent an infrastructure from becoming resource starved.

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10 tips for managing storage for virtual servers and virtual desktops


Server and desktop virtualization have provided relatively easy ways to consolidate and conserve, allowing a reduction in physical systems. But these technologies have also introduced problems for data storage managers who need to effectively configure their storage resources to meet the needs of a consolidated infrastructure.

Server virtualization typically concentrates the workloads of many servers onto a few shared storage devices, often creating bottlenecks as many virtual machines (VMs) compete for storage resources. With desktop virtualization this concentration becomes even denser as many more desktops are typically running on a single host. As a result, managing storage in a virtual environment is an ongoing challenge that usually requires the combined efforts of desktop, server, virtualization and storage administrators to ensure that virtualized servers and desktops perform well. Here are 10 tips to help you better manage your storage in virtual environments.

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How to speed up the vSphere Client on Windows 7

Is your vSphere Client slow to update the screen when you run it on Windows 7? VMware just published a workaround for this in their knowledgebase which involves disabling Desktop Composition on the vSphere Client shortcut. One side effect of this though is Desktop Composition is also known as “Aero”  which gives you some of the cool visual effects in Windows 7 like translucent windows and glass borders. For me on my work PC this is no big deal, I’ll gladly take the snappier performance of the vSphere Client over the Aero effects which I don’t care for. On my home PC I’ll probably not do this though as I enjoy some of the Aero effects and can deal with the slight lag.

If you want to do this it’s pretty simple, just right-click on the vSphere Client and select Properties and then on the Compatibility tab check the Disable desktop composition box and click OK. Once you start the vSphere Client next the Aero effects will automatically be disabled and the vSphere Client will display much quicker.


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Top VMware blogger results

So the top VMware blogger results are in, the last vote was in January 2010, we had a total of 66 blogs and about 700 votes cast. This time there was 115 blogs on the ballot and we had about 860 votes cast from all over the world. The jump of 50 new blogs shows how incredibly passionate people are about VMware technology, seriously when is the last time you saw over 100 blogs devoted to any one product.

First let me explain how the voting process works, voters can choice their favorite 10 blogs, they then rank them in order from 1 to 10 and a value is assigned to each vote, a #1 vote is worth 10 points, #2 vote is worth 9 points and so on down to a #10 vote being worth 1 point. The points are then tabulated to determine the top 25 blogs. It’s a pretty time consuming process for me, some of it is automated but I still have to add up votes and drop them into a spreadsheet to determine the winners.

Before I go any further let me first thank Train Signal for sponsoring the voting process, I use a paid service to make sure the voting is top notch and on the level and I appreciate them helping offset my costs.

We had 4 new blogs break the top 25 and lots of re-positioning as well. I thought I would try something different this time and announce the results in a Casey Kasem style top 25 countdown on our vChat podcast along with special guest John Troyer from VMware. In the podcast we count up from 25 to 1 and say some words about each blogger in the top 25, I encourage you to check it out, we had fun doing it and recognizing the great bloggers out there.

I initially thought about prizes for the top bloggers but it was difficult to come up with them. In the end I came up with what I thought was an even better prize. I contacted Steven Herrod, VMware’s CTO, to see if he would say a few words to the bloggers that we could include in the vChat. Let me explain why I thought this would be rewarding to all the bloggers. You guys do this because you love VMware technology, you aren’t blogging to get rich. To me all it takes is one person saying thanks, and that they really appreciate what you do to make it all worthwhile. Seriously if you’ve ever gotten that email or tweet from someone I bet it makes your day. You’d be surprised at your audience, many people read your blog including Steven Herrod from VMware. I thought the best prize I could give you guys is the recognition from one of the top guys at VMware that you are appreciated and your efforts make a difference to a huge number of people. When I approached Steven about this he was quick to agree to help out which speaks volumes about what he thinks of you guys.

With so many bloggers out there its a tough scene but I seriously encourage you all to keep at it, the longer you stick with it, the more people notice and will reward you with their vote. You guys are all great, I know how hard it can be to find the time to blog but do know that your efforts are appreciated and your unselfish dedication makes a difference to a great many of people. So without further ado here’s the full results of the voting, also be sure and check out our vChat episode 8 where we talk about each blogger in the top 25.


Total PointsRankPreviousTotal Votes#1 Votes
Yellow Bricks504311601227
Virtual Geek34452250889
Scott Lowe28013343119
RTFM Education20295533311
Frank Denneman140361423212
Virtualization Evangelist1235862495
Gabe's Virtual World102210819512
The SLOG975111717421
Virtual Storage Guy77115913728
Pivot Point63817231226
VMware Tips63118132131
LucD Notes54921661003
Mike D's Blog4972219954
ESX Virtualization47623321044
Virtually Ghetto46125-933
The VM Guy4252615850
Arnim van Lieshout42227297016
Virtual Insanity40528456818
Kendrick Coleman39430-895
By The Bell37931265519
View Yonder3683331862
Planet VM3203516785
Virtual Admin Notes31437-4818
IT 2.03093836623
My Virtual Cloud2983958548
Everyday Virtualization2914035721
Chris Wolf2864125612
VMware Training and Certification26342-592
Double Cloud24644-432
2 VCPs2384538525
Run Virtual2344630540
Jase's Place2334755601
Aaron Delp Blog23248-501
The Virtualization Practice2254942475
Gerbens Blog2215040421
Rational Survivability1995251363
Virtual Kenneth's Blog1995339400
VMware Info1965433461
Roger Lund IT Guy1945559431
Virtual Future1885737430
Professional VMware1775834521
Peeters Online17560-450
Virtual Lef16961-361
Ken's Virtual Reality1646227390
Virtual VCP1626346410
Virtualised Reality1616448266
The Lone Sysadmin1606560361
Virtualization Security15966-400
SearchServerVirtualization Blog1556844392
Wikibon Blog15469-361
Virtual Lifestyle1537056324
Information Week Blog14672-310
Infoworld Virtualization Report14574-302
Musings of Rodos1397747320
Knudt Blog1387865260
Virtual Troll13779-300
Going Virtual1348064340
VM Admin12784-290
The Lower Case W12685-232
Virtualization Team12287-260
Malaysia VM1208861270
Daily Hypervisor1188962250
Virtual Planet11790-290
Virtualize Tips11591-290
Blue Gears11193-200
Virtualization Information1119457281
Elastic Vapor10895-231
Andi Mann1079743191
Deinos Cloud10598-272
Virtual Hints10599-272
Lori MacVittie102100-230
The HyperAdvisor10210163232
VM Today9910241270
Virtually Speaking97103-270
Beaver's Virtual Dam9410449180
It's Just Another Layer87105-200
VM Bulletin87106-220
VM Hero85107-240
Virtualization Stuff80108-170
Cretec's Virtual Blog73109-130
A Crazy Penguin66110-120
Virtual Jay66111-150
Blue Shift Blog60112-100
Virtualization Buster59113-160
A Day In The Life55114-110
Virtualizing the D.C.44115-120

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vChat Episode 8 – Top blogger awards show

vChat episode 8 was all about the top bloggers, we count up from number 25 to number 1 based on the voting results from my top VMware blogger survey and also say a few words about each blogger. Special guest John Troyer from VMware joins us along with a message from a surprise guest. The full voting results will be published later today. Special thanks to Simon for his great editing work.

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Denver VMware Users group meeting tomorrow

If you haven’t registered yet be sure and do so if you plan on attending. We have a small change in the speaker line-up with Rob Randell from VMware and Scott Lowe from EMC swapping timeslots so the updated agenda is below. In addition we also confirmed that the VMware support guys will be down from the Broomfield HQ so we’ll have a Genuis Bar setup were you can ask them questions one on one, they will be there from 12:30pm – 2:30pm.

  • 10:00am General Session – What’s New at VMware (Amanda Blevins, VMware)
  • 10:30am General session – Elastic vSphere? Design Considerations for Building Stretched Clusters (Scott Lowe, EMC)
  • 11:15am Social Media presentation – How and Why to use social media for business (Erika Napoletano,
  • 11:30am Lunch/Networking with Vendors (Brothers BBQ)
  • 12:30pm General Session – How Virtualization is changing Disaster Recovery (Doug Hazelman, Veeam)
  • 1:15pm General Session – Security of ESX and Virtual Systems (Rob Randall, VMware)
  • 2:00pm Main/Breakout room (HyTrust/Xsigo)
  • 2:40pm Main/Breakout room (Catbird/Compellent)
  • 3:20pm Closing & Door prize giveaways
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Announcing a new planet aggregator for the top 25 blogs

I’ve built my own planet aggregator called Planet vSphere-land solely for the top 25 VMware blogs on my vLaunchpad similar to Planet V12n that VMware runs for all the virtualization blogs. Currently it has the old top 25 blogs and will be updated tomorrow with the new top 25 blogs. It only displays the first 200 characters of a blog post and you have to go to the source to read the full post. The website has an RSS feed that you can subscribe to and all posts are also automatically tweeted to a special twitter account that I setup for it. It’s also running the WPTouch plugin so it will format properly for mobile phones. So enjoy, if you have any suggestions for the website be sure and let me know.

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