It’s that time of year again, time to vote for your favorite VMware & virtualization blogs to see who are the most popular bloggers. Category nominations will open in a few days so you can submit your blog for special consideration in different categories and voting will kick off in about 2 weeks. But before we begin I wanted to recap last year, some changes for this year and most importantly introduce the sponsor for this year.
Last year there were over 2200 votes from over 60 different counties. There are 411 blogs in the voting last and there were 7 position changes in the top 10. There were 4 blogs in the top 25 that were not in there previously, 2 blogs that were newcomers in the top 25 and there was 1 blog new to the top 10. You can read more about last year here and here and watch the results show here.
This year the one major change will be to implement a minimum post requirement of 10 blog posts in 2015 to be on the voting ballot. You can read more about that here, this will dramatically reduce the number of blogs and make it more fair for the harder working bloggers and easier for the voters.
The other change is our sponsor, right after last year’s voting, VMTurbo jumped in and wanted to sponsor this year’s voting. So you have them to thank for helping make all this possible. This whole process is a lot of work and the coins are costly so give them your support and a shout out if you can. I hear they might also have some special surprises as well but I’ll let them announce that.
The final change is with the commemorative coin that bloggers that make the top 50 get. Of course we can’t use the same design each year so this year we have a new logo (RSS), new sponsor, slightly different design, new color (VMTurbo green) smooth sandblasting and a new edge design (pleated). Also I kept the same metals as last year, with the exception of the top 11-25 which has changed from antique silver to shiny nickel which pops a bit more. The size of the coin is also the same (2″). Below are last years coins and below that are the new design for this year, the design graphics don’t do it justice, it will look much better in person.

So watch for more info here in the coming days, you can use the subscribe widget in the sidebar to be automatically notified when no posts are made so you don’t miss anything. All blogs that are listed on the vLaunchpad will be in the voting as long as you meet the minimum post requirement. It is mostly up-to-date with the exception of about a dozen submissions that I still need to add, if you don’t see your blog listed you can add it here. Stay tuned and let the voting begin!