Some Top vBlog 2017 results statistics

While we wait for the results announcement which should come in about 2 weeks via a live webinar with John Troyer and Turbonomic, I thought I would release some statistics on the results as an appetizer before the big meal arrives.

  • This year there were 1600+ votes, which is about the same as last year.
  • There were 321 blogs in the voting last year, this year there were 273. Blogs that did not have at least 10 posts in 2016 were left off the voting ballot this year.
  • There were 62 new blogs added this year to the ballot that were not there last year.
  • There was 1 new blog (started in 2016) that made the top 50.
  • There were 11 additional blogs that made it into the top 50 that were not there last year.
  • There were 8 blogs that made it into the top 25 that were not there last year.
  • There was 4 new blogs to the top 10 (one blog from last year did not qualify and Duncan/Frank chose to step down).
  • There was 9 position changes in the top 10.
  • Do we have a new #1? Of course we do as Duncan did not participate, who will it be? Watch the live results show to find out.
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