Upcoming Denver VMUG – 3/4

Just a reminder about the upcoming Denver VMUG this week on 3/4. It’s at a new location for us at the Vitamin Cottage corporate offices in Lakewood. Scott Herold from Quest Software will be doing a presentation on using PowerShell with VESI. I’ll also be doing a presentation on some of the new things in vSphere that you probably don’t know much about.  Since we’re lucky to have one of the VMware worldwide support centers nearby in Broomfield, CO they will again be joining us and passing out great tips and information.

You can register at this link and here’s the agenda:

11:00 Start meeting/lunch served
11:30 Welcome
11:45 What’s new at VMware (if needed, Gavin/Jarod)
12:00 “Optimize Day-To-Day Administration using Windows PowerShell and Virtualization EcoShell” Scott Herold, Quest Software
12:45 Break
1:00 What’s new in vSphere (Eric Siebert)
1:45  VMware Support (recent KBs, recent common calls, Q&A)
2:30 Meeting Adjourned


Update: just checked and it’s full already, check back as we may open it up some more.

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