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Register for VMware’s special event on 7/12 or else…

… Mr. T will come whoop your butt.

Seriously though, if you’re involved in virtualization in any way, VMware’s special event on 7/12 is one you really can’t afford to miss. VMware is being vague on what the event is about but you should be able to put two and three together and come up with five. The reason VMware is being purposely vague is because their lawyers told to them be (yeah it sucks being a public company sometimes). But just because you came up with five doesn’t tell the whole story, you’re probably expecting to hear about something related to five but their is much more to it than that. VMware will be making more announcements than you will be expecting and you definitely want to hear what they have to say.

I am one of four bloggers invited to attend the event live, it is not being held in Palo Alto like the vSphere announcement was but instead in San Francisco much like an Apple event. The event starts at 9:00am PST and will go for until about 12:00 PST, below is the schedule for everything:

  • 9:00-9:45 Paul and Steve present – live online streaming
  • 10:00-12:00 three tracks of deep dive breakout sessions
  • 10:00-12:00 live Q&A with VMware cloud and virtualization experts

After the event David Davis & I are going to try and get some Q&A time with Steve Herrod and record a live vChat, so if you have any questions for him send them to us. So register now, seriously you don’t want to miss this one, their are some exciting times ahead for VMware!

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