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10 VM administration tips and virtualization best practices

I originally did these 10 tips for searchvmware.com but they ended up with 5 of the general ones published on searchservervirtualization.com and 5 of the VMware specific ones published on searchvmware.com.

5 tips at searchvmware.com

VMware administration and management can be complicated and frustrating. But it’s much easier when you know the optimal way to handle virtual machines (VMs).

VMware administration and management requires not only technical expertise but also problem-solving skills. And if you don’t properly manage a VMware environment, it can quickly come back to bite you. These VMware administration and management tips will help you better manage your VMs and avoid common mistakes.

VMware administration tip No. 1: Thin is in
You should strive to properly size virtual disks, but sometimes disk size grows, such as with a database server that accumulates additional data on a regular basis.

In these situations, administrators often allocate more disk space to a VM than is initially needed. Thin provisioning helps reduce this wasted space.

Read the full article at searchvmware.com…

5 tips at searchservervirtualization.com

Virtual machines (VMs) have specific management requirements that don’t apply to physical servers. For effective VM administration, you need to know how to properly manage, maintain and troubleshoot your VMs.

There are several challenges that you should be aware of to keep your VMs fit and healthy. In this article, I share five virtualization best practices to help you efficiently and effectively manage VMs. For VMware-specific advice, check out this companion article on five ways to improve VMware administration and management.

VM administration tip No. 1: Avoid overallocation
You virtualize physical servers to make use of wasted resources. But many administrators allocate the same amount of resources to virtual machines as they did to physical servers.

Read the full article at searchservervirtualization.com…

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