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Top vBlog 2016 requirements finalized

Based on a lot of feedback from my last post about new requirements for blogs to participate in Top vBlog I’m going to set the minimum post count to be in the voting at 10 posts for the 12 month period of 2015. Almost everyone thought 6 was too low with most saying 10-12 was just about right. So if you only had 9 or fewer posts last year you won’t be in the running for Top vBlog. You can check the post counts for all the blogs over at Andreas’s site. Based on that requirement there will only be about 200 blogs in Top vBlog this year, last year there was over 400. If you are a new blog for 2015 and you didn’t get 10 posts in let me know for special consideration.

Why I am doing this is to make the voting more fair, if you didn’t put the time in and do at least 10 posts last year you probably shouldn’t be voted as one of the Top vBlogs among all the other bloggers that did put it in alot of hard work. What usually happens each year is people are voted based on name recognition regardless of what there contributions were for the year which isn’t fair. If you ever saw the Eddie Murphy movie Distinguished Gentleman it highlights a similar pattern, the synopsis for that movie is a con man get on the election ballot using a dead Congressman’s old campaign material and runs a low budget campaign that appeals to name recognition, figuring most people do not pay much attention and simply vote for the “name you know.” He wins a slim victory and is off to Washington.

I have the vLaunchpad mostly cleaned up, I archived almost 60 blogs that have not blogged in the last year, If your blog is not listed there use this form and I’ll get it up there in the next week. The new coin design is set and being made right now and I expect to kick things off with VMTurbo as the official sponsor of Top vBlog 2016 in the next few weeks.

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