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Coming soon: Top vBlog 2017 with a new scoring method

I’m back in the saddle after taking a few weeks off to recharge and preparing to launch my annual Top vBlog voting. This year brings some big changes as to how blogs are scored, instead of just relying on public voting which can become more about popularity and less about blog content, I’m adding several other scoring factors into the mix. By doing this scores will reflect the efforts a blogger puts into their blog and not just be about how popular a blogger is. The total points that blogger can receive through the entire process will be made up of the following factors:

  • 60% – public voting – general voting – anyone can vote – votes are tallied and weighted for points based on voting rankings as done in past years
  • 20% – private judges scoring – chosen judges who will grade a select group of blogs based on several factors, combined rankings will equal points
  • 10% – number of posts in a year – how much effort a blogger has put into writing posts over the course of a year based on Andreas hard work adding this up each year (aggregator’s excluded)
  • 10% – Google PageSpeed score – how well a blogger has done to build and optimize their site as scored by Google’s PageSpeed tools, you can read more on this here where I scored some of the top blogs.

All combined the above methods will be scored and the total points added up to determine the top bloggers. The mix of public voting and private scoring is similar to how VMworld session submissions are scored. I’m still working on the point formula for the various scoring methods but I believe this will be a very fair system to help recognize those bloggers that deserve it most. I will be looking for 8-10 private judges who will be given a group of 20-30 blogs to score. Once again the 10 minimum blog posts rule in 2016 will be enforced to be eligible to be on the Top vBlog voting form (about 220 blogs make it this year).

And thank you once again to Turbonomic for sponsoring Top vBlog 2017, stay tuned!

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