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Which VMware certifications are right for you?

It used to be that VMware had only one certification: the VMware Certified Professional (VCP). Becoming a VCP was fairly basic; you had to attend an approved training class and then pass an exam. And if you passed the VCP exam with a high-enough score, you were eligible to become a VMware Certified Instructor (VCI).

Now there are more VMware certifications, so you might wonder, “Which VMware certifications are right for me?” To help you decide, I’ve covered the various VMware certifications and requirements and how they can improve your IT career.

VMware Certified Professional
This VMware certification proves that you have the basic skills and knowledge to work with vSphere. To become a VCP, you must take an authorized, instructor-led training class. (Online classes are not eligible.)

Read the full article at searchvmware.com…

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