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Looking for vSphere 6.5 information? Check out my huge Link-O-Rama

One of the behind the scenes things I do on this site is constantly maintaining my link list collections which serve as a master index for all the content on the inter webs related to a specific topic (i.e. VVols, VSAN, vSphere versions, etc). This makes for a one stop shop for anyone looking for information on that topic so they can easily find it without searching all over the internet for it.

I coined the term “Link-O-Rama” (which others have shamelessly stole) as my fun name for these link collections. I use a variety of sources to collect links including google custom search filters that email me, my Planet vSphere-land blog aggregator, Planet V12N, Twitter and more. This results in a big collection of links that I have to vet to make sure they are quality links, then add to my link collections sorted by category, the end result is a lot of behind the scenes work that keeps my link collections growing.

My latest link collection is focused on the vSphere 6.5 release, I have been maintaining that one for about 7 months and it has now grown to over 400 links. So if you want to know anything bout vSphere 6.5 head on over to my vSphere 6.5 Link-O-Rama and dig in to all that great content. Want the condensed (TLDR) version, be sure and check out my hand-picked top 10 things you must read about vSphere 6.5 post.

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