Time for you to pick the top VMware & virtualization related blog websites. The last vote was in June 2009 and there have been many great new bloggers since then that are worthy candidates for the top bloggers. Since there are so many top blogs I’ve decided to expand the top 20 blogs to the top 25 blogs and you get to pick the winners. Voting will open on Monday, Jan. 4th and I’m using a better survey tool this time. Because of the cost I’ve gotten a sponsor for the voting, TrainSignal has graciously signed on to sponsor the voting and as an added bonus they they are providing two copies of their awesome vSphere DVD training course that will be awarded to two random voters. The voting will be to pick your top 10 favorite blogs, I will then count and weigh the votes to determine the complete top 25 list. The top 10 blogs will receive a nice graphic that they can display on their website. Stay tuned for details on the voting!