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Best Practices for running vSphere on iSCSI

VMware recently updated a paper that covers Best Practices for running vSphere on iSCSI storage. This paper is similar in nature to the Best Practices for running vSphere on NFS paper that was updated not too long ago. VMware has tried to involve their storage partners in these papers and reached out to NetApp & EMC to gather their best practices to include in the NFS paper. They did something similar with the iSCSI paper by reaching out to HP and Dell who have strong iSCSI storage products. As a result you’ll see my name and Jason Boche’s in the credits of the paper but the reality is I didn’t contribute much to it besides hooking VMware up with some technical experts at HP.

So if you’re using iSCSI be sure and give it a read, if you’re using NFS be sure and give that one a read and don’t forget to read VMware’s vSphere storage documentation that is specific to each product release.

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