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Vendors you don’t want to miss at VMworld: Turbonomic

One of the best parts of VMworld is checking out the Solutions Exchange which is your one stop shop for just about any product or solution for your virtual environment. Vendors bring their best and brightest people to these events so its a fantastic opportunity to learn more about the many great products available for vSphere. I’d thought I’d highlight a few of these vendors in a series of posts that you will not want to miss seeing at VMworld, first up: Turbonomic.

why-vhm-earth(250x125)Turbonomic has been around since 2010 and offers a great virtualization management and monitoring tool with a twist. It analyzes your virtualization environment and instead of just reporting issues to you so you can intervene and resolve them, it attempts to resolve them for you. Think of it as instead of having a dumb computer inputting metrics and outputting reports and alerts, it’s like having an intelligent robotic admin in your virtual environment who is capable of making decisions to keep everything running smoothly.

You can visit Turbonomic at VMworld in the Solutions Exchange at Booth #505, besides learning about their great product don’t miss out on a chance to win a $10,000 dream vacation that they are giving away as a grand prize. They will also be doing on-going in-booth sessions on a variety of topics where you also have a chance to win a Pebble watch at each session. Finally if you are looking for something to do and unwind after a busy day at VMworld be sure and join Turbonomic at their VIP cocktail party at the Drake Hotel along with their partners Nutanix and Pure Storage.

To learn more about all the exciting things that Turbonomic has planned for VMworld be sure and visit their blog to find out all the details.

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