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Vendors you don’t want to miss at VMworld 2016: Veeam

One of the best parts of VMworld is checking out the Solutions Exchange which is your one stop shop for just about any product or solution for your virtual environment. Vendors bring their best and brightest people to these events so its a fantastic opportunity to learn more about the many great products available for vSphere. I’d thought I’d highlight a few of these vendors in a series of posts that you will not want to miss seeing at VMworld, next up: Veeam

Veeam started as a small privately owned company that was founded in 2006 by Ratmir Timashev back when virtualization was still a relatively new technology. Back in those days Veeam was a very small company that had only 10 employees in 2008. As the virtualization market started heating up and adoption in the data center started growing, a few companies recognized this opportunity and developed products to support VMware’s ESX/ESXi hypervisor. One area in particular that virtualization had a big impact on was backup & recovery as virtualization really changed the way backups needed to be done to be more efficient. It also opened up many new opportunities for doing backup & recovery differently and better.

Today Veeam has more than 1200 employees and with 17 international offices worldwide, including regional headquarters for EMEA in Paris, France, the Americas in Columbus, Ohio, and Asia-Pacific in Sydney, Australia. They are recognized as a visionary in the Gartner Magic Quadrant and have won many industry awards.Veeam has always had a big presence at VMworld and they host one of the best vendor parties at VMworld. Veeam parties are legendary and always crowded but definitely worth attending. Veeam has a lot going on at VMworld this year including:

  • Stop by the Veeam booth #1731 at VMworld 2016 and see what great things they have going on! Meet with Veeam engineers that would love to discuss the challenges your company is facing, while providing a great solution. Be sure to also pick up your Veeam T-shirt and enter the raffle for a chance to win one of two Norwegian Cruise Experiences.
  • Attend the Veeam Availability Suite 9.5 Deep Dive breakout session [SDDC9461-SPO] on Tuesday, Aug. 30 at 2:30 PM and hear from legendary Veeam veterans, Doug Hazelman and Anton Gostev.
  • Attend the Data Protection as a service for your vCloud Director environment with Veeam [HBC9463-SPO] breakout session on Wednesday, Aug. 31 at 3:30 PM and hear from 2 more Veeam all-stars, Rick Vanover and Luca Dell’Oca.
  • Join Veeam on Tuesday night at LIGHT Nightclub for Veeam’s annual VMworld party and enjoy a night of music, dancing, and entertainment in one of the hottest spots of Las Vegas.

Find out more information about Veeam at VMworld at their landing page.

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