Automating High Availability (HA) Services with Vmware HA
Effective DRS and HA in Production (VMworld 2006)
Configuring VMware High Availability for your virtual servers’ needs
VMware HA and DRS Capacity Planning
HA Failover Capacity
Virtual Machine Failure Monitoring
Best Practices and Advanced Features for VMware High Availability
HA Technical Best Practices
VMware HA Guidelines and Best Practices (VMworld 2007)
So how exactly does HA’s admittance algorithm work?
VMware HA Configuration Notes
VM HA – service console networking, isolation behavior
High Availability “Deepdive”
HA Advanced Options
das.allowNetwork where and when
HA network compliance check in VirtualCenter Update 3
HA Network Compliance Check
After installation or upgrade to VirtualCenter 2.5.0 Update 2 an Incompatible HA Networks error is generated
VMware High Availability – Concepts, Implementation and Best Practices
VMware HA Implementation Notes
Advanced Configuration options for VMware High Availability
VMware HA – Overview and Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Adding an ESX Server Host to a VMware High Availability Cluster