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Nested ESX/ESXi Links

vSphere RC RAM Under VMware Workstation: How Low Can You Go? (Vinf.net)
How to run vSphere in a 4 GB memory Laptop (ESX Virtualization)
Running vSphere within Workstation will take up a lot of memory (Yellow Bricks)
VMware ESX 4 can even virtualize itself (vCritical)
VMotion from physical ESX 4 to virtual ESX 4 (vCritical)
vSphere Lab on VMware Fusion and VMware Workstation (Punching Clouds)
How to Install ESX 4.0 on Workstation 6.5.2 as a VM (Xtravirt)
How to Install ESXi 4.0 on Workstation 6.5.2 as a VM (Xtravirt)
vSphere ESXi as a VM – VMKernel Traffic Not Working (Vinf.net)
Installing ESX 4.0 on VMware Fusion (Van-lieshout)
Running VMware ESXi 4/vSphere in VMware Workstation (video) (VMware Videos)

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