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Top 10 things you must read about VMware High Availability (HA)

  1. VMware High Availability – Concepts, Implementation and Best Practices – A white paper from VMware that provides a high level overview of HA, technical details on how it works, how to implement it and best practices for using it.
  2. HA Technical Best Practices – A technical presentation from VMware on HA technical details, best practices and troubleshooting.
  3. Resource Management Guide – VMware’s official documentation on resource management which information on how to configure and manage HA.
  4. VMware HA Guidelines and Best Practices – A presentation from VMworld 2007 by VMware engineers that covers a technical overview of HA, configuration best practices, troubleshooting tips and technology directions.
  5. VMware HA and DRS Capacity Planning – A white paper from Kingston that covers HA specifically as how memory plays a role towards it and how to understand memory statistics and configure memory settings to work best with HA.
  6. VMware HA Implementation Notes – A document put together by a VMware Technical Account Manager to help answer frequently asked questions about using, configuring and understanding HA.
  7. So how exactly does HA’s admittance algorithm work? – A post from Chad Sakac that discusses in detail how the frequently misunderstood HA admittance algorithm works.
  8. VM HA – service console networking, isolation behavior – A post from Chad Sakac that discusses how HA isolation behavior works as well as the best way to configure the service console networking to work with HA.
  9. Virtual Machine Failure Monitoring – A white paper from VMware that describes the new VM Failure Monitoring feature that is part of HA starting with ESX 3.5 and how to configure it.
  10. HA Advanced Option settings – A post from Duncan Epping that lists all the many Advanced Option settings that can be used to configure HA with.
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