Here’s your chance to pick the top VMware blogs

I have a hard time picking the top blogs from the many great ones that are out there. I initially started with a top 10 and recently expanded it to the top 20 as more and more blogs have started. In this post I outline my blog selection criteria for the top 20 and it’s no easy task for me to pick them and rate them in order. Well here’s the chance for you to pick the top 5 of my top 20 blog list using this new survey form that I created. You can pick from the current top 20 which you can see on my vLaunchpad,or choose other and add one that is not on the list. The survey will be open for 2 weeks, afterwords I’ll announce the results and update my vLaunchpad accordingly.  Duncan Epping from has been the reigning number #1 for a while now and is a tough one to beat. So head on over to my survey and cast your vote, each position will have a weight assigned with it and they will be added up accordingly for the final results.

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  1. is # 1 the main reason there is always something good and new every week

  2. The site #1 is the expertise and knowledge around virtualization architecture/engineering. Its very precise and informative and that’s the types of info for vmware architects/admins want to know on daily basis. Bring it on Duncan! Bravo

    • Carl Skow on June 17, 2009 at 1:55 pm

    I second that, Duncan / Yellow Bricks is something that I check every day.

  3. What does it say that I’m on the list, and I still vote for Duncan @ yellow-bricks as #1 🙂

  4. Wow – can I vote twice? Once for Duncan Epping and a Second time for Mike Laverick? Ugh – please don’t force me to choose only one!

  5. yellow brick is the brick to break vmware problems. i love it

    • jawor on June 25, 2009 at 12:50 am

    for me only one geek that has vision – coherent virtual infrastructure container (servers, networks, storage) for all

    • dan libonati on June 29, 2009 at 11:02 am

    My vote is for Scott Lowe ( Scott’s content is always spot on and timely (and that’s not because i work with him). The content on the site is very detail oriented. It sas references to others blogers and web sites (and with proper accreditation). Scott … keep up the great work!

  6. Damm, I wanted to for Duncan, but the survey is closed. Too bad ;).

  1. Vote for My Site!…

    Eric Siebert’s vLaunchpad has listed my site in the top 5 of the top 20 virtualization blogs for a while now, and I appreciate the support. Now’s your chance to vote to keep my site in the top 5!

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