Great white paper on vSphere enhancements

Just came across this great 21 page white paper on vSphere enhancements and the differences compared to VI3. It’s written by Steve Kaplan and Steve Jones from INX, if I had seen this last week it would definitely be on my vSphere Top 10 list.


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    • Tomi on May 15, 2009 at 5:27 am

    Great document? I see quite bad errors in vCompute section at least ..

  1. Yes there are a few small errors in that section, looks like they have the vSphere & VI3 headings backward, max vCPU’s for 3.5 should be 4, not 5, and max mem for vSphere is 255GB, not 256GB. It’s still a great document though, I’ll contact the author and let him know.

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